Corporate Memberships
Global | Local
IDCN Corporate Members are organizations (whether a company, an international organization, a non-governmental organization, or any other legal entity) with local or international assignees and an interest in recruiting experienced talent, or providing dual career support to their Employee Spouses/Partners.
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Global Corporate Memberships
ANNUAL FEE • 6,500 CHF or EURO 6,666
Global Corporate Member
To RegistrationBENEFITS
- Global dual career support
- Local membership in all locations where they join
- Access to IDCN talent pool all over the world where the member is part of a network
- 1 global TMP license per location (15 active locations)
- Hosts IDCN Partner Event in a location minimum every 2 years
- Participate in events hosted by other companies in the region (minimum 2 per year)
- Participates in Local Corporate Steering Committee Meetings
- Participates in Global General Assembly
- Right to nominate Global Executive Board member
- Voting right on General Assembly
- Influence on Global Direction
- Global Ambassadorship
ANNUAL FEE • 6,500 Chf | 6,666 Euro
Local Corporate Memberships
ANNUAL FEE • 1,300 CHF or EURO 1,333
Local Corporate Member
To RegistrationBENEFITS
- Local Dual Career support
- Branded as IDCN Local member
- Access to IDCN talent pool in the specific location where the member is part of a network
- 1 local Talent Management Platform license
- Hosts IDCN Partner Event in a location minimum every 2 years
- Company HR Partners to attend a minimum of 2 events per year hosted by other Corporate Members
- Participates in Local Corporate Steering Committee Meetings
- Participates in Global General Assembly
- Involvement in local strategy and decision making
- Voting right on General Assembly
- Influence on Local direction
- Local Ambassadorship
ANNUAL FEE • 1,300 Chf | 1,333 Euro